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We will be completing a security update for ZooplaPro on 28/07/2023. As part of the update your ZooplaPro login cookies will be reset.
What to expect?
The next time you log in to your ZooplaPro account you will be asked to verify your account.
Moving forward, you’ll be asked to verify your account any time you login to ZooplaPro from a new device, browser or location.
When you next need to log in to ZooplaPro
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You’ll then be asked to verify your account, and will receive an email asking you to click an authentication link, which must be opened in the same browser that you entered your login information
Security Advice (updated July 2023)
Zoopla will never contact you by phone or email asking you to:
- Provide your ZooplaPro login details
- Enter your login details onto any page other than
If you have any difficulties when logging in you can email our support team at
Received a suspicious email?
If you receive an email asking you to enter your Zoopla login details please;
- Check if the “from” line of the email contains a domain other than or its sub domains,, if it does it is a fraudulent email. Bad actors will try to spoof legitimate email addresses - if anything does not look right forward the email to and then delete it.
- Check the URLs of any links - ignore any that are not (there shouldn't be anything else before or after except http://)
- If you received an email that contains anything that you don't recognise, please forward the email to and then delete it. Do not reply, click on any links or download any attachments in such emails.
- You can report suspicious emails in the UK to Action Fraud at 苹果油管youtube怎么上.
If you think you may have been tricked into entering your details on a site that is not ZooplaPro, close the suspected site, visit the real site via a new browser window and change your password immediately.
For more information on how to stay safe online visit our help centre at
To stay safe online follow these best practice tips for password management
- Change your passwords regularly and do not use the same password for ZooplaPro as you do for your email accounts.
- Try to make passwords at least eight characters long, a mixture of upper and lower case letters and include some numbers and symbols too.
Kind Regards,
Zoopla Member Support Team